Deborah Nanga


Dancing with the the inner voice of intuition to find truth and clarity

December 04, 2023

The Light Shines In The Darkness and The Darkness Has Not Overcome It

At some point on the toxic life path life presents each person an opportunity to break free and to say: “No I don’t want to be part of the dysfunction, I am better than this, my purpose is greater than this” and we either seize the opportunity to reach higher or we sink deeper into darkness.

I discovered that the key benefits of working in, living in or growing up in a toxic environment is that the environment makes us unbreakable and a master at detoxing. We might even become allergic to toxic influences that cause unbalance, conflicts and chaos.

Light causes a rebellion in the minds of men/women because light is an energy that cannot be canceled, censored, restricted,  contained and stopped. So if you dare to say “I don’t want to be the poison I want to be the cure” you are called a Rebel or whatever name fits the toxic agenda, for refusing to surrender your peace and succumb to collective toxicity.

What you truly are is an illumination. You are the light.

Stand up and be bright!



The Brightest Human Book


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